
Peer to Peer Messaging Protocol

status: stable

Maintainer(s): Stanley Bondi, Cayle Sharrock, Stringhandler


The 3-Clause BSD Licence.

Copyright 2019 The Tari Development Community

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  1. Redistributions of this document must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY" and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 (covering RFC2119 and RFC8174) when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


This document and its content are intended for information purposes only and may be subject to change or update without notice.

This document may include preliminary concepts that may or may not be in the process of being developed by the Tari community. The release of this document is intended solely for review and discussion by the community of the technological merits of the potential system outlined herein.


The aim of this Request for Comment (RFC) is to describe the peer-to-peer messaging protocol for communication nodes and communication clients on the Tari network.



Broad Requirements

Tari network peer communication must facilitate secure, private and efficient communication between peers. Broadly, a communication node or communication client MUST be capable of:

  • bidirectional communication between multiple connected peers;
  • encrypted, authenticated over-the-wire communication;
  • understanding and constructing Tari messages;
  • gracefully reestablishing dropped connections; and (optionally)
  • either:
    • communicating to a SOCKS5 proxy (e.g. connections over Tor).
    • or have a static public IPv4 address.

Additionally, communication nodes MUST be capable of performing the following tasks:

  • maintaining a list of known and available peers in the form of a peer list;
  • forwarding directed messages to neighbouring peers; and
  • broadcasting messages to neighbouring peers.

Overall Architectural Design

The Tari communication layer has a modular design to allow for the various communicating nodes and clients to use the same infrastructure code.

Peer connection state is monitored by the ConnectionManager component. The ConnectionManager emits events to allow other components to subscribe to connection state changes.

  • ConnectionManager - manages peer connections and connection state monitoring.
  • PeerConnection - manages the sending and receiving of messages for a single peer connection.
  • NetAddress - multiaddr describing the public address and transport for a peer-to-peer connection.
  • Messaging Protocol - defines the Tari wire message format and message types.
  • Connection Multiplexer - allows multiple substreams to be established over a single transport-level connection.


A NetAddress is a publicly-accessible address for a peer. A peer may have one or more NetAddresses.

A good NetAddress format should:

  • have an efficient binary representation;
  • have a human-readable representation with a simple syntax;
  • support many transport protocols; and
  • be self-describing

For these reasons, we select the multiaddr format for all peer-to-peer addresses.

For example,

  • /ip4/ - IPv4 address with TCP transport on port 12345.
  • /onion3/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrst:12345 - Tor onion address

Supported Transports

The following transports are supported by the Tari communication layer:

  • TCP/IP - A publicly accessible IPv4 address.
  • SOCKS5 - Allows a SOCKS5 proxy to be configured for inbound and outbound connections.
  • Tor - A specialisation of the SOCKS5 transport that facilitates connections over the Tor network.

Establishing a Connection

Every participating communication node SHOULD listen on at least one of the supported transports, accessible from a public address, to allow remote peers to establish peer connections.

A peer wishing to establish a peer connection should attempt a connection to one of the remote peer's public NetAddresses using the transport described in the NetAddress.

The peer that is initiating the outbound connection is referred to as the initiator and the peer that accepts the inbound connection is referred to as the responder for the remainder of this section.

We describe the following socket upgrade procedures for an encrypted peer-to-peer connection on the Tari network.

  1. The Wire Mode Byte

The wire mode indicates the intention of the initiator. It is up to the application domain to dictate what byte is acceptable however a common configuration is to use the wire mode to indicate which network (mainnet, testnet etc) the initiator is attempting to use allowing the responder to accept/reject the connection early on in the connection procedure.

The initiator MUST send a single byte indicating the wire mode within WIRE_MODE_TIMEOUT. The responder SHOULD to accept or reject (close) the connection based on the initiator's wire mode byte. The responder SHOULD reject (close) the connection if no byte is received within WIRE_MODE_TIMEOUT.

Once the byte is sent, the initiator may immediately proceed to the next procedure.

  1. The Noise Protocol

The Noise Protocol framework is a set of related crypto protocols that support mutual authentication and ephemeral encryption key exchange amongst other features.

We list the following characteristics and requirements for encrypted peer-to-peer connections on the Tari network:

  • Mutual authentication of the initiator and responder;
  • the responder need not know the initiator's public identity prior to the connection;
  • the public identity of each participant is hidden to any observer;
  • forward secrecy; and,
  • for efficiency, has a minimal round trip time.

For these reasons we select the single round-trip Noise_IX_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2b protocol, that is, the Noise IX handshake pattern using Curve25519 for ephemeral and static identities, ChaChaPoly encryption and a HKDF using BLAKE2b.

If successful, an authenticated encrypted socket connection is established between the peers.

  1. Identity Exchange

At this point the initiator and responder are aware of each other's public identity keys, however, some additional information is required to fully "introduce" the participants to each other.

Both the initiator and responder simultaneously transmit a message containing their up-to-date public addresses, the peer feature flags, protocols supported by the peer, a timestamp of the last time these details changed and a signature that signs the public addresses, feature flags and update timestamp. Peers may store and share these details with other peers, who can check the authenticity of the provided information by verifying the signature.

  1. Multiplexing

Now that these procedures are complete, we have an active PeerConnection. There is no explicit protocol message required to initiate multiplexing as both sides implicitly agree to send yamux protocol messages. Light-weight Yamux substreams are opened lazily as/when required by the application.

Multiplexing allows a single socket connection to be used simultaneously by multiple components as if each had their own dedicated channel, in a very similar way that your browser can perform many HTTP2 requests over a single server connection. In yamux, these dedicated channels are called substreams. The details of the yamux protocol are out of scope for this RFC.

Protocol Negotiation

To begin any protocol, an initiator MUST open a new yamux substream and begin protocol negotiation. Protocol negotiation ensures that both sides of the exchange are speaking the same language. Protocols are identified by a unique string identifier given by the author of the protocol. A protocol name can technically be any string, but it is defined in the Tari protocol as t/{protocol-ident}/{version}, where t is short for Tari, for example the messaging protocol is t/msg/0.1.

To begin, the initiator MUST send a protocol negotiation message consisting of 1 length byte, 1 bitflag byte and the protocol identifier string. The length byte MUST be equal to the length of the protocol identifier.

The bitflags are defined as follows:

  • 0x01 - OPTIMISTIC
  • 0x02 - TERMINATE
  • 0x04 - PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED (response)
  • 0x08 - 0x128 - Future use (ignored)

If the OPTIMISTIC flag is set, the initiator considers the negotiation complete as it is optimistic that the responder supports it. It can assume this because the peer gave a list of supported protocols in the Identity Exchange procedure. If the responder does not support the protocol, it can simply close the substream.

In general, peers will use OPTIMISTIC negatation and never wait for a response, as they have a full list of supported protocols. However, if the initiator wishes to negotiate a protocol not in the protocol list, it may leave the OPTIMISTIC flag unset in the initial message.

If the responder supports the protocol, it SHOULD respond with the name of the supported protocol and all flags unset and immediately proceed with the agreed upon protocol. If not, it SHOULD respond with the PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED flag set and an empty protocol name and wait for more messages. The initiator MAY send another protocol negotiation message or close the substream.

A responder MAY set the TERMINATE flag at any time and close the substream. In practise, this is used to indicate to the initiator that it has exceeded the maximum number of protocol negotiation queries (5) and should give up.


A single peer that can communicate on the Tari network.

Fields include:

  • public_key - The Ristretto public key identity of the peer.
  • addresses - a list of NetAddresses associated with the peer, perhaps accompanied by some bookkeeping metadata, such as preferred address;
  • peer_features - bitflags with the following flags
    • MESSAGE_PROPAGATION = 0x01 - peer is able to propagate/route messages
    • DHT_STORE_FORWARD = 0x02 - peer provides message storage and can respond to SafRequestMessages
    • A COMMUNICATION_CLIENT is defined as 0x00
  • last_seen - a timestamp of the last time a message has been sent/received from this peer;
  • banned_until - an optional timestamp indicating the peer is banned;
  • offline_at - an optional timestamp indicating at which time a peer was marked as offline due to multiple failed attempts to contact the peer.

A peer may also contain reputation metrics (e.g. rejected_message_count, avg_latency) to be used to decide if a peer should be banned. This mechanism is yet to be decided.


The PeerManager is responsible for managing the list of peers with which the node has previously interacted. This list is called a routing table and is made up of Peers.

The PeerManager can

  • add a peer to the routing table;
  • search for a peer given a node ID, public key or NetAddress;
  • delete a peer from the list;
  • persist the peer list using a storage backend;
  • restore the peer list from the storage backend;
  • maintain lightweight views of peers, using a filter criterion, e.g. a list of peers that have been banned, i.e. a denylist; and
  • prune the routing table based on a filter criterion, e.g. last date seen.

General-purpose Messaging Protocol

The messaging protocol is a simple fire-and-forget protocol where arbitrary messages can be sent between peers. If Alice wants to send a message to Bob, she will open a new yamux substream and negotiate the t/msg/0.1 protocol. If Bob wants to send a message to Alice, he will do the same. This means that two substreams (one per direction) are open for bi-directional message sending as required.

Message frames are length delimited (see Tokio's LengthDelimitedCodec). At this level, no structure apart from the length-delimited framing is imposed on the message protocol allowing that to be fully determined by domain-level components.

Tari DHT and Base-Layer Messaging Protocol

The following illustrates the structure of a Tari message:

|              DhtEnvelope               |
|  +----------------------------------+  |
|  |             DhtHeader            |  |
|  +----------------------------------+  |
|  +----------------------------------+  |
|  |         EnvelopeBody             |  |
|  | (multipart, optionally encrypted)|  |
|  | +------------------------------+ |  |
|  | |   +-----------------------+  | |  |
|  | |   |    1. MessageHeader   |  | |  |
|  | |   +-----------------------+  | |  |
|  | |   +-----------------------+  | |  |
|  | |   |    2. MessageBody     |  | |  |
|  | |   +-----------------------+  | |  |
|  | +------------------------------+ |  |
|  +----------------------------------+  |

Each Tari message is wrapped in a DhtEnvelope which contains a DhtHeader and an EnvelopeBody.

The DhtHeader is a protobuf message with these fields:

  • version: u32

    The major message header version. A peer MAY discard the message if the version is not supported.

  • message_signature: 64 bytes

    The raw representation of a Schnorr signature committing to:

    • sender public key
    • signature public nonce
    • and Blake2b hash of:
      • "comms.dht.v1.message_signature"
      • version
      • destination
      • msg_type
      • flags
      • expiry
      • ephemeral_public_key
      • body

    This is required if the ENCRYPTED flag is set.

  • ephemeral_public_key: 32 bytes

    Ephemeral public key component of the ECDH shared key. MUST be specified if the ENCRYPTED flag is set.

  • dht_message_type: i32

    Enumeration of the type of message.

    • None = 0 - Domain-level message
    • Join = 1 - Join/Announce
    • Discovery = 2 - Discovery request
    • DiscoveryResponse = 3 - Response to a discovery request
    • SafRequestMessages = 20 - Request stored messages from a node
    • SafStoredMessages = 21 - Stored messages response
  • flags: u32 - bitflags 0x01 - ENCRYPTED

  • message_tag: u64 - Message trace ID. This can be omitted or any value and is used for debug tracing.

  • expires: Option<prost_types::Timestamp>

    Expiry timestamp for the message, if any. If specified any peer receiving the message after this time MAY discard it.

  • destination: Option<dht_header::Destination>

    Enumeration of the message destination:

    • UNKNOWN = 0 - the destination was not specified, this indicates that the message is destined for the receiver.
    • PUBLICKEY(XXXXX) = 1 - destination is the specified public key. This MUST be provided when the ENCRYPTED flag is set.
Inbound Message Validation

The following validation rules MUST be applied to all incoming messages:

  • If ENCRYPTED is set
    • The destination MUST be PUBLICKEY(XXXXX)
    • The ephemeral_public_key MUST be specified
    • The message_signature MUST be non-empty
    • If able to decrypt the message signature:
      • the signature MUST be valid
      • the destination public key MUST match the local public key
  • If the ENCRYPTED flag is not set, indicating a cleartext message
    • The message_signature MAY be specified. If it is, it MUST be valid.
    • Other fields relating to encryption e.g. ephemeral_public_key MAY be set but SHOULD be ignored.

If any of these rules fail the message SHOULD be discarded.

Outbound Messaging

The protocol provides for the following outbound message broadcast strategies:

  • Direct(Identity) - Send the message directly to the destination peer.
  • Flood(exclude) - Send to all connected peers excluding exclude peers. If no peers are connected, no messages are sent.
  • Random(n, exclude) - Send to a random set of peers of size n that are Communication Nodes, excluding exclude peers.
  • ClosestNodes({node_id, exclude, connected_only}) - Send to all n nearest Communication Nodes to the given node_id.
  • DirectOrClosestNodes({node_id, exclude, connected_only}) - Send directly to destination if connected but otherwise send to all n nearest Communication Nodes
  • Broadcast(excludes)- Send to a random set of connected peers, excluding excludes peers. The number of peers selected at most equal to propagation_factor.
  • SelectedPeers(peers) - Send to the specified peers.
  • Propagate(NodeDestination, Vec<NodeId>) - Propagate to a set of connected peers closer to the destination. The number of peers selected at most equal to propagation_factor.

A peer's node_id is defined as the 13-byte variable-length Blake2b hash of the public key. To determine if a peer identity is "closer" to another peer we compare the XOR distance between peers as proposed by the kademlia paper.

DHT Messages
  • Join

Announces a peer's availability to the network. A routing node SHOULD propagate this message closer to the destination. As it travels through the network, the peer information is stored in the peer list. Peers close to the newly joined node MAY attempt to dial the node on receipt of this message.

  • Discovery

An encrypted discovery request containing the sender's contact details. A routing node SHOULD propagate this message closer to the destination. The destination peer will attempt to contact the sender and send a DiscoveryResponse message to reciprocate with its peer information.

  • DiscoveryResponse

Sent in response to a Discovery message.

  • SafRequestMessages / SafStoredMessages

Request and response messages for stored messages destined for the requester.


The EnvelopeBody is the "payload" of the message and consists of an arbitrary number of ordered opaque BLOBs. It may be encrypted for a particular destination. The contents of these BLOBs are decided by domain-level requirements.

The Tari protocol inserts a MessageHeader at index 0 and MessageBody at index 1.

A zero-sized encoding of EnvelopeBody is permitted as that is a valid proto3 encoding. When applying message encryption, the body MUST be padded and, therefore, a message SHOULD be discarded if the encoded EnvelopeBody is zero-sized.


Every Tari message MUST have a payload header containing the following fields at index 0 in the EnvelopeBody:

message_typeu8An enumeration of the message type of the body. Refer to message types below.
nonceu32The optional message nonce.

MessageTypes are represented as an unsigned eight-bit integer denoting the expected contents of the MessageBody.

NetworkPingPong1A PongPong message.
BlockchainNewTransaction65Transaction submitted by a wallet or propagated by a base node.
BlockchainNewBlock66Block propagated by a base node.
WalletSenderPartialTransaction67A partial MimbleWimble transaction submitted by a sender wallet to the receiver.
WalletReceiverPartialTransactionReply68Reply to SenderPartialTransaction submitted by a receiver wallet to the sender.
BlockchainBaseNodeRequest69Base node request message.
BlockchainBaseNodeResponse70Base node response in reply to a BaseNodeRequest message.
BlockchainMempoolRequest71Base node mempool request message.
BlockchainMempoolResponse72Base node response in reply to a MempoolRequest message.
WalletTransactionFinalized73Finalized transaction message sent by a sender to receiver wallet.
WalletTransactionCancelled74A courtesy message sent by a wallet to inform the other that the transaction is cancelled.

All other message types are reserved for future use.

Message Encryption

Encrypted messages may be routed across the Tari network such that only the destination node is able to decipher the contents of the message. An encrypted message reveals to recipient but keeps the sender and contents private.

To route an encrypted message, the following requirements MUST be met:

  • The destination public key MUST be specified.
  • The message_signature MUST be non-empty and SHOULD be encrypted.
  • The ephemeral_public_key MUST be a valid Ristretto public key.
  • The EnvelopeBody MUST be non-empty, as message padding (described below) is required.
  • If the message expiry is specified, a routing node MAY discard the message if the expiry time has passed.

A message is encrypted using the following procedure:

  • The DhtEnvelopBody is containing the MessageHeader and MessageBody is serialized using [protobuf].
  • A CSRNG is used to generate the cipher nonce and this is prepended onto the message.
  • The plaintext message is padded with '0x00' to a multiple of 6000 bytes.
  • The message encryption key is generated as follows:
    • Key material dh_key is generated by Diffie-Hellman of the recipient public key and the ephemeral private key.
    • The final message key is constructed: message_key = Blake2b("comms.dht.v1.key_message" || dh_key) to produce a 32-byte key.
  • The message Schnorr signature is generated as follows:
    • A domain-separated Blake2b hash is generated with the challenge message_challenge = Blake2b("comms.dht.v1.challenge" || protocol_version || destination || dht_message_type || le_bytes(flags) || expiry || ephemeral_public_key || message_body).
    • The signer signs the hashed challenge "comms.dht.v1.message_signature" || signer_public_key || public_nonce || message_challenge with the sender secret key.
    • The signature is serialized and encrypted using the [ChaCha20Poly1305] AEAD cipher and the same dh_key constructed earlier.
      • The final signature key is constructed: Blake2b("comms.dht.v1.key_signature" || dh_key) to produce a 32-byte key.
  • The DhtEnvelopBody is encrypted using the [ChaCha20Poly1305] AEAD cipher and message_key.
  • The final message is a DhtEnvelope containing the plaintext DhtHeader and encrypted DhtEnvelopeBody.
Message Routing

On receipt of a valid message with destination set to PUBLIC_KEY(xxxx), a node SHOULD forward a message either directly to the peer, if able, or closer to the peer as per the XOR metric. If the message is invalid, the node SHOULD discard it.

Store and Forward

Sometimes it may be desirable for messages to be sent without a destination node/client being online. This is especially important for a modern chat/messaging application as well as interactive Mimblewimble transactions.

Each communication node SHOULD allocate some disk space for storage of messages for offline recipients. A sender sends a message destined for a particular public identity to its closest peers, which forward the message to their closest peers, and so on. A peer is considered close enough by finding the farthest peer from the n closest online and available peers to the storage node and comparing that to the XOR distance of the message destination.

Eventually, the message will reach nodes that either know the destination or are very close to the destination. These nodes SHOULD store the message in some pending message storage for the destination. The maximum number of buckets and the size of each bucket SHOULD be sufficiently large as to be unlikely to overflow, but not so large as to approach disk space problems. Individual messages should be small and responsibilities for storage spread over the entire network.

On receipt of a valid message with destination set to PUBLIC_KEY(xxxx), and if the peer is sufficiently close to the destination, a node SHOULD store the message for a time and return it later to the peer in response to a SafRequestMessages message.

If the [DhtEnvelopeBody] is encrypted, the type and contents of the message remain private.

Message Deduplication

A peer propagating/routing a message may receive the same message after propagation from another peer as there is no way for routing node to know which peers have seen the message before. To prevent infinite message propagation, message contents should be hashed and stored in a dedup cache. On receiving a message, if the message hash is found, the message SHOULD be discarded and not propagated further.

Change Log

13 Jun 2022Moved from tari reposdbondi
9 Nov 2022Removed I2P and ZeroMQstringhandler
17 Jan 2023Implementation parity updatessdbondi
25 Jan 2023Clarify empty body rulessdbondi